WebYes, pineapple can cause your tongue to swell. Pineapple juice has recently gained a lot of popularity on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where people rave about its healing power after invasive surgical procedures like having your wisdom teeth extracted. Its high sugar content will also appeal to anyone with a sweet tooth. Since these videos started surfacing, countless other media outlets have reported on the trend, explaining that it might work because pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme with purported anti-inflammatory properties. Based on that, it is said that drinking a lot of pineapple juice will help reduce swelling and pain after wisdom tooth extraction. But professional dental associations and other health experts say it is not a recommended treatment for reducing the impact of wisdom tooth extractions, and could even cause harm. Cording said that there is also the possibility for digestive discomfort. Also Check: Blue Tooth Ear Buds For Iphone. This is the process that is done carefully by a dentist or oral surgeon under the proper care of medical facilities. Your dentist can also help you find other ways to relieve your pain and reduce your discomfort. When you purchase via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. You should not consume more than 8 oz of pineapple juice a day, which would not be enough bromelain intake to make much of a difference. Pineapples also tend to sting my mouth. Wisdom teeth are basically the third molars among the entire set of teeth. Before trying those hacks, we must understand that these tricks are effective. A little more than a year ago I envisioned missing my teenage son but also enjoying an array of selfish pursuits after he graduated high school. Yes, you can drink apple juice after wisdom tooth extraction. Make sure to wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth, as you should after consuming any acidic foods or drinks. Also Check: Glo Science Teeth Whitening Reviews, WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL VLOG Trying the Pineapple Juice Hack. If there is one rule you can offer, its probably pay attention to your gut. Its the call every parent dreads. e=2;e