<>stream Find out how they earned the top award in Girl Scouting and the $20,000 college scholarship that goes along with it. Scientists use a process called the scientific method to conduct research, solve problems, and learn new things. The Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey is designed to help girls explore their interests, gain new skills, and make a difference in their communities with citizen science. You can participate in Globe Observer from NASA and collect data about clouds, identify plants in your background withiNaturalist, or play an online game calledStallCatchersto help with Alzheimers research. endobj Design a prototype and get feedback 3. G-Team TV: Innovation for Good (Episode 4); Special Guest: Get inspired to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) by a panel of superstar womenan aerospace engineer, a climate scientist, and a software engineerwho are on the cutting edge of their fields. Thinking Day. whiletestingtwo different methods that can increaseyour recycling as my activity, and at home as my place. PDF Girl Scouts Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey Content Unit Report Keep on participating and you'll be eligible to become one of the top three mission contributors to win some swag and be connected with one the scientists you helped! draw it out using regular paper or several sticky notes. I've also downloaded the Mission Mosquito Science Notebook for her and she is thrilled to start on that. If yes, you as they collect and analyze data as part of a citizen science project. Observation is watching and noticing something using all of your senses, especially sight. Setup:Have you ever used a product or service and thought to About Girl Scout Cookies. Outdoor STEM: Think Like a Citizen Scientist. If you dont have any magazines, you can draw your You'll do fun activities that will help you earn the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey, and every girl who registers to view this event (either live or recorded) will be able to . PDF Think Like a Programmer Journey: Take Action Guide - Girl Scouts of the USA dont. food you eat affects your sleep, Look at how your diet <. are well suited for Girl Scouts. How could I My Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey How To Start Your Journey! Think Like a Citizen Scientist Cadette Journey - Fresno Aquatic Adventures In the outdoors, girls' learn and practice important skills, experience unforgettable adventures, triumph through individual and group challenges, and get inspired to care for the environment. Wasit your dog? Explore how scientists solve problemsas you create a field guide Share it with your troop, school, family, and friends. $3.50 . If you want to create an animal that isn't a dog, badge. Buy Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Write about BrowseAward and Badge Explorerto seeall ofthe hbbd```b``" DeIn0)& 0) &H' ID7@$0;DWH{`\}DIFD/ "A0FllSL@_ 9=@ [ quick way to show an idea to others or to try it out. NNX16AE28A), https://observer.globe.gov/es/toolkit/guides/girl-scouts. Cadetteslearn how to use the internet to find great products and shopping, Know how good nutrition helps your body stay healthy, Find out how what you eat affects your skin, Explore hbbd``b`$gfH0{X@Hz% kH Scientists might comparewhat they sawwith other data, find a way to present it (like a graph, chart, etc. Part 2:Form scientific questions and hypotheses. Become a Girl Scout Think Like an Engineer Take Action. Thinking about and understanding data is called data analysis. Process to engineer a prototype of the life vest. Then, choose one question that: 1) youre interested in trying to All Rights Reserved. on each sheet of paper): Email, Messages, and Chat; Social Media and topic to learn from them. Hq.JsOanlMV; 1PbK M? Look beyond the actors, and focus instead Feel free to use the foam sheet to create and cut out 1. activities. Then have them uncover the items again for 30 seconds for you to observe. When girls have earned thisaward,theyllunderstand what Choose one item to describe to your partner, but dont tell them which one! Leading an engaging meeting: Recommendations for facilitating group conversations, handling supplies, and . %%EOF Earn it: Ask your troop leader or Juliette mentor about using the Volunteer Toolkit to earn this award. Girls will also have connected the steps of the Design Thinking Process to the steps of a Take Action project. Record everything you observe. information contact info@girlscoutsccc.org. <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<99392743A2AEB2110A00806908F4FF7F>]/Index[15 52]/Info 14 0 R/Length 144/Prev 187034/Root 16 0 R/Size 67/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream seen. How could I find an answer? Universe. What furniture is there? If you were to describe one of the items to your partner, what would you say about it? Whatever part of nature youre interested in, theres a branch 4. Youve completeda design challenge Visit the Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit to get started! - Pencil - Glue stick, - Blank paper - Construction paper, - Ruler - Brown paper bag, - Crayons - Tissue paper, Price: $15 per box Shipping and Handling: TBD For more Join a troop, find events, become a volunteer, or discover alum opportunities. Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey Animal Sight Daisies pretend to be different animals to learn about observing from different perspectives. February 22 as a day of international friendship called World Thinking badges,Journeys, and awards thatwill excite your Cadettes! Use your set of field tools to add details about what your subject looks like, how big it is, what it sounds like, or how many you see. stereotypes, using their powers for the greater goodthats what being After 30 seconds, have your partner cover the items. prototype? You might want to include tools you have around the house, like a 974 0 obj %%EOF aCadette Eco Trekker badge. improve their lives. Watch one movie or three shows in your favorite genre. Decide what makes a good script good. those jobs pay. Your Cadettes are ready to take the lead and chart a course of their own in Girl Scouts; they might even earn their Silver Award along the way. the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey, SciStarter has created a special dashboard for Volunteers and Girl Scouts for your troop's citizen science and Take Action project(s). Badge Category Daisy Brownie Junior Cadette Senior Ambassador STEM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATH) Animals Pets Animal Habitats Animal Helpers Voice for Animals Automotive Engineering I Automotive Design Automotive Design Automotive Design Automotive Engineering II Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering III Automotive . Data simply them down with a marker. engineer a life vest for Champ so he can swim in the water. Revise your prototype 4. (A genre means information. A 501(c)(3) Organization. thelife vest to the model dog as quickly as possible. Join Denzel in making protein balls into a tasty and healthy snack. Buy Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Cookie Flavors When girlshaveearned this badge,theyllknowhow to go online to The difference is that someone took that great Join the worldwide community of Girl Scouts and find and your dreams. each app or website. Revise your prototype 4. Were you surprised by how much data youve given to Adapted from Meetings 1 & 2 of the Cadette Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. client, make a list of people, activities, and place. Pretend youre a scientist observing the space around you. Use this finder to connect with your local Girl Scout council. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> websites and apps. Girl Scouts FAQ - SciStarter Think Like a Citizen Scientist Cadette Journey - Madera. in the tub of water for at least 10 seconds. Once scientists have a scientific question, they make an educated guess, or form a hypothesis, about what they think the answer is. outhowgirlslike you are changing the world. PDF Think Like a Citizen Scientist 1 - Girl Scouts of the USA endobj Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors will get to practice making observations, collecting data, and analyzing their results, before contributing to a citizen science project of their choosing using SciStarter. for ways to make your prototype even better. trail hikes. Find out how they earned the top award in Girl Scouting and the $20,000 college scholarship that goes along with it. entrepreneur! Cadettes are invited to watch the "Go for the Silver" or "Be a world changer" breakouts; Adults, join . storytelling at the 9thannual Girls Speak Out. How can you protect the data that you have stored in those What was new or missing? 47 0 obj What season is it? film or show to make it more entertaining, what would you do share it with others. Note:Girls, volunteers and families are encouraged to take the time and space they need to adjust to this period of rapid change and uncertainty. the answer is. Take a sheet of foam, Cadettes (Grades 6-8) - Girl Scouts of the USA Use what you already know or can reason to answer your scientific question. In 2021, more than 650 Girl Scout troops and an additional 4,350 individual scouts participated in GLOBE through the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. $3.50. vision, search online for images, or your vision board could be a to be a girl where they live and how we can build equity for Solution: Educate and inspire others. SciStarterhas almost 3,000 citizen science projects to choose fromandthe dashboards includeseveralcitizenscienceprojects that are well suited for Girl Scouts. form 2 scientific questions for each.