(02K7R000000pt8bUAA_03C7R000004QOLfUAO)I send the Json of this nodeNode Name Augment TempClassLeft Source["Filter Agency Records"]Left Key["ShippingCountry"]RelationshipClimateRight Source["Add Temp Class"]Right Key["Country"]Right Fields["TempClass","Country","Date","Temperature"]OperationLook Up Single ValueThanks in advance for your help, HI while trying to complete Determine Optimal Climates challenge Any Idea why am getting this Error "There was an unhandled exception. He laughs when I poke his nose and tries to take toys out of my hand. Data Integration Specialist : What You'll Be Doing to Earn This SuperbadgeConfigure outbound application and integration securityConfigure inbound integratio. Key value should be the same. yipeeeee ! Try leaving Precision and Scale blank for both low and high temp. Here is my MaintenanceRequestHelper class. I enjoy playing on Trailhead, taking long walks with mommy, watching the Florida Gators with daddy, and chasing my two dogs. No. "{ "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Define Temp Range", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "\"case when Temperature < 25 then \\\"Polar\\\" when Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \\\"Cool\\\" when Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \\\"Continental\\\" when Temperature > 85 then \\\"Tropical\\\" end\"", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "CleanUp" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Augment Temp Class": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "TempClass" ], "left": "Add Temp Class", "left_key": [ "TempClass" ], "right_select": [ "TempKey", "TempClass" ], "right": "Load Temp Class Mapping", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, i am posting remaining half in another comment due to html limit error. This is my journey- a normal kid by day- a Trailhead explorer by night. Leave a comment for the Trailhead Baby! Challenge 3: Schedule synchronization. Still getting the same message.Thanks!Karen. Getting the following warning when running the dataflow:Load Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate DataThe dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. ), Hi please help in update the data flow.i can't update my data flow..show errors in that. Right now he' taking a nap.so I'm off to edit some reports! Either the node didn't find any matches, or a join key contains only null values. No. Still stuck? { "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed_Bank", "alias": "Seed Bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }}do i need to delete the flat file and need to upload with seed_bank as the api name? Check the challenge and confirm the node name and required fields. I have created lens for Agency Temp Class, it has Continental 155, Polar 120 and Cool 66 based on Seed Bank Agencies Data Set.Another lens Seed Bank Temp Class based on Seed Bank Data Set has Cool-Continental-Tropical 3Continental-Tropical 2Cool-Continental 2Continental 1Cool 1. { "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "saqlExpression": " (Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "name": "Acreage", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Create Seed Bank", "alias": "Create_Seed_Bank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }}. Confirm the node name matches the name as described in the challenge.Here is the JSON{ "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Load_Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Chart", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "precision": 18, "scale": 6, "saqlExpression": " (Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "name": "Acreage", "label": "Acreage" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "alias": "CreateSeedBank", "name": "CreateSeedBank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }}, "Load Seed Chart": {"action": "edgemart","parameters": {"alias": "Load_Seed_Chart"- Change the alias name to "Seed_Chart" - Don't ask me why. :) "Create Seed Bank": {"action": "sfdcRegister","parameters": {"alias": "CreateSeedBank","name": "CreateSeedBank","source": "Calculate Acreage"- Change Name and Alias name. To complete the challenges, you need to pre-populate the Account object with data associated with this superbadge. Check the challenge and confirm the node name and required fields{ "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": " (Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping" } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Calculate Acreage", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "name": "LowTemp", "label": "LowTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, 1, 2))", "precision": 18, "scale": 2 }, { "type": "Numeric", "name": "HighTemp", "label": "HighTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, -2, 2))", "precision": 18, "scale": 2 } ] } }, contd"Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Define Temp Range", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Text", "name": "TempClass", "label": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case when Temperature < \"25\" then \"Polar\" \nwhen Temperature >= \"25\" and Temperature <= \"50\" then \"Cool\" when Temperature >= \"51\" and Temperature <= \"85\" then \"Continental\" \nwhen Temperature > \"85\" then \"Tropical\" \nend", "precision": 18 } ] } }, "Augment Temp Class": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "operation": "LookupSingleValue", "left": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "right": "Load Temp Class Mapping", "left_key": [ "TempClass" ], "right_key": [ "TempKey" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass" ] } }, "CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "fields": [ { "name": "HighTemp" }, { "name": "LowTemp" }, { "name": "TempClass" } ], "source": "Augment Temp Class" } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "source": "CleanUp", "alias": "Seed_Bank", "name": "Seed Bank" } }}. PLEASE HELP ME !!!! Challenge 4 is not difficult if you follow the instructions precisely! I've recreated the steps a number of times, and I am pretty sure all of my nomenclature is correct. You are responsible for your own actions. Please check your work. Agency Temp Class lens? Sorry but where i can get the right alias and name, and this goes beyond the question. Can you please post your JSON for the dataflow or at least the Define Temp Range and Add Temp Class nodes? There is not a field named Acreage in the zip file - It is a field you create by calculation within the data flow. I am also stuck in Challenge4. Search for an answer or ask a question of the zone or Customer Support. When validating the challenge, i'm getting an error stating this:-"Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the Seed Bank dataset or required fields are missing. Lol, },"AddAgencyFields":{"action":"augment","parameters":{"right_key":["AccountNumber"],"left":"LoadAccount","left_key":["AccountNumber"],"right_select":["Acres","Currency","Latitude","Longitude","Region","SubRegion"],--- Can't match on field that is not in both data sets. It's been a while. so I hope this is good advice! My brother has started to play with me! "left_key": ["TempKey"],"right_key": ["TempClass"I think this is the issue. Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge 'Data Integration Specialist' Data Integration Specialist is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead (A New Approach to Learning Salesforce). First I create a min and max temp, then how do I use two fields to get a temperature category? Confirm the node name matches the name as described in the challenge.Here is the JSON, "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Load_Climate" } }. created a dataflow with name "Load Seed Bank" . I actually deleted the dataflow and recreated it, too. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. In the superbadge there's no indication of what naming convention to follow. Hello,Step 6 :When running my My Load Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate Dataflow in the Monitor, this warning message appears : The dataflow was completed, but the Augment TempClass node didn't augment any columns. Can you elaborate? but when checked the challenge i am getting this error mentioned belowChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields, such as 'TempClass', are missing. Getting the below error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the challenge and confirm the node name and required fields.I have deleted and recreated the dataset and the dataflow; no luck.Thanks!Karen. https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=9060G0000005d3yQAA, Business Administration Specialist Superbadge- 3 & 4, Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist Superbadge - 5-6, Process Automation Specialist Superbadge - 5. @trailhead baby,i just updated one alias name in above postsfrom :::"name": "Seed Bank","alias": "seed_bank"to:::"name": "Seed Bank","alias": "Seed_Bank"and re ran the dataflow still have the same old issue no progress ! Has anyone seen this?CJ, I will take a look at the JSON if you post it, {"AddTempClass":{"action":"computeExpression","parameters":{"source":"Filter2015","mergeWithSource":true,"computedFields":[{"defaultValue":"Continental","name":"TempClass","saqlExpression":"casewhenTemperature<25then\"Polar\"whenTemperature>=25andTemperature<=50then\"Cool\"whenTemperature>=51andTemperature<=85then\"Continental\"whenTemperature>85then\"Tropical\"end","label":"TempClass","type":"Text"}]}},"FilterAgencyRecords":{"action":"filter","parameters":{"filter":"ISAgency:EQ:TRUE","source":"IDAgencyRecords"}},"LoadAccount":{"action":"sfdcDigest","parameters":{"fields":[{"name":"AccountNumber"},{"name":"Name"},{"name":"Phone"},{"name":"ShippingCity"},{"name":"ShippingCountry"},{"name":"ShippingPostalCode"},{"name":"ShippingState"},{"name":"ShippingStreet"}],"object":"Account"}},"CreateSeedBankAgencies":{"action":"sfdcRegister","parameters":{"name":"SeedBankAgencies","alias":"seed_bank_agencies","source":"AugmentTempClass"}},"LoadClimate":{"action":"edgemart","parameters":{"alias":"global_climates"}},"AddAgencyFields":{"action":"augment","parameters":{"right_key":["AccountNumber"],"left":"LoadAccount","left_key":["AccountNumber"],"right_select":["Acres","Currency","Latitude","Longitude","Region","SubRegion"],"right":"LoadAgencyDetail","relationship":"AgencyDetail","operation":"LookupSingleValue"}},"Filter2015":{"action":"filter","parameters":{"filter":"Date_Year:R:2015","source":"LoadClimate"}},"AugmentTempClass":{"action":"augment","parameters":{"right_key":["Country"],"left":"FilterAgencyRecords","left_key":["ShippingCountry"],"right_select":["TempClass","Country","Date"],"right":"AddTempClass","relationship":"Climate","operation":"LookupSingleValue"}},"LoadAgencyDetail":{"action":"edgemart","parameters":{"alias":"Agency_Detail"}},"IDAgencyRecords":{"action":"computeExpression","parameters":{"source":"AddAgencyFields","mergeWithSource":true,"computedFields":[{"saqlExpression":"casewhenPhoneisnotnullthen\"TRUE\"else\"FALSE\"end","name":"ISAgency","label":"ISAgency","type":"Text"}]}}}, Thank you for the quick reply! I only see one temp.class on my lens- just the one with 155. let me know what i am missing here. contd"Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping" } }, "CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "source": "Augment Temp Class", "fields": [ { "name": "HighTemp" }, { "name": "LowTemp" } ] } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "0", "precision": 18, "name": "LowTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, 1, 2))", "scale": 2, "label": "LowTemp", "type": "Numeric" }, { "defaultValue": "0", "precision": 18, "name": "HighTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, -2, 2))", "scale": 2, "label": "HighTemp", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }} please share me your insights to fix my code or data. I made it through all of the tempkey/temp class definitions, and everything appears to run fine but when I go to check the step in trailhead I get this "We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly" error. A huge thank you to Jocelyn Fennewald , Salesforce MVP, for pointing out the "remove all columns" option within the report creator. I'm having difficulty with challenge 3 for superbadge analytics data preparation specialist. Search for an answer or ask a question of the zone or Customer Support. Hi , Load Seed Bank w/Temperature Classification when ran ,getting an error like below" The dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. Confirm there's a binding that filters attrition costs displayed in the reference line.Appreciate if you provide any help. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct. . Thanks much :), Hi I am getting the bellow error. Superbadge-Data-Integration-Specialist/Challenge #5/ProjectRESTService.cls Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 40 lines (33 sloc) 1.12 KB Raw Blame @RestResource ( urlMapping = '/project/*') global class ProjectRESTService { @HttpPost global static String postProjectData ( String projectRef, String projectName, Any insight you may be able to provide would be great. Hi,Can you please let me know the correct values of both lens. when i validate my step 6, i checked with existing suggestion via above posts i have corrected alias name and left key and right key for same name nothing worked and struck with from some now, please let me know what else i am missing !thankskiran. Why the change of heart? Error: Restforce::ResponseError. This special superbadge is designed to test how well you really grasped the underlying material and not just walk you through yet another predictable tutorial.
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