How about a total of 2105 lb at 181lb body weight. I drove it to within an inch from locking it out. As a lifter who has done both USAPL and IPF meets, I suspect you will be denied your records as they both are inflexible and it's the rule book. See, they cannot make an exception for a USA lifter because USA would beef huge IF a russian had an improper bar and broke records too price of having approved bars, weights, and rules. The best in the sport can, with perfect form, hoist more than a few times their bodyweight in iron. This time I lowered it a bit faster. Mike gave it hus all and was a supporter of the sumo-style deadlift and is one of the first to use it effectively. C'mon. What has Dan done for the game? Mike's lifts are pending on the IPF website. View Profile View Forum Posts . The rule states only official approved bars can be used for the setting of world records. Everything else is the liquid inside the glass. His form was a model of perfection, but his physical strength was amazing in the squat and bench.He[MCJ1] was doing theBridges Flair before Mike was doing it. im just so sick and tired if people bashing the ipf. Now all the anonymous guys can come on here and bash the IPF for requiring approved equipment for records. and the Squat at an astonishing amount of 804 lbs. An athlete lives at the whim of a sports rules, and when those rules change, so can their career. Squat: 455kg/1003b Michael. Are world records going to be able to be broken there? Thanks.Louie Simmons. I'm fine Jesse! The events just bring in two different powerlifting cultures. IPF did not return requests for comment. Possibly the closest man to Dave Waddington in the squat. How about dougs billing squat 985lb. Sam is a world record holder in the 275lb class with a lift of 639lb in the bench press. It was a national meet. SPECIAL. Deadlift: 320kg/705.48lb. oh yeah and IPF who gets the SPONSOR FUNDING EVERY YEAR for keeping them APPROVED. I am aware of the wrong bar that was shipped because I warmed up with it in the warm up room. [/quote] Well, finally the final chapter to this event: As I mentioned, Mac Richards came back down to pick me up in Louisville. Mike Bridges indeed used anabolic/androgenic steroids (along with everybody else) to amass his several world record squats and totals in the IPF. Weighing in at only 204 lbs, Mike not only went home with gold medals, but he also broke world records in the Deadlift at 650 lbs. Las Vegas, NV. The author and famed Mike Bridges are shown in a light moment at the 1982 World Powerlifting Championships in Munich. The squats went well. It is sad and pathetic that people have to jump on board and bash someone who has busted their butt to pull off one of the best meets. The fact that Teds total may have been low does not depreciate the astronomical effort he has left us with. Fantastic story. LOL! Bridges was one of many record holders or top level men that included Marvin . I hope this does not come true. Since the bar and collars must weight 25kg(55.115lbs) and the TPB and collars would weigh 56.023(25.4kg). Those of you out there who knew Mac Richards know exactly what I mean when I say he was a great guy, great lifter, and a best friend to us all. Both of us totaled 1,815. The manufacture send Bench bars with the middle knurling missing and no one in the area had the right bars! The bar we used was 45lbs plus the collars. And they'd be American records. its not the fault of the ipf, but the stuff up of the meet directors!!! Power bodybuilding requires you to re-learn technique and reach new movement standards. On the morning before the meet we opened 2 brand new shipping tubes from an IPF approved manufacturer and they contained bars that did not have center knurling. What happened? Just lift it! (course they also did drug tests on mike but odds are those won't be a problem). If possible, structure your training as follows: Mon - Bench day Weds -Deadlift day Fri - Squat day Day 1 (Monday) Bench day: The problem was discovered on Thursday. :), MAKE SURE THE PLATFORM WAS THE RIGHT SIZE AND THAT WEIGHTS WERE REAL AND THAT MIKE HAD THE LEGAL SHOES TO SQUAT IN!! If you looked at Freds height (58) and consider what Fred has accomplished, its simply outrageous!!!! That's total that maybe one other lifter has approached. I don't care if this was your first nationals and you came in last, you still shouldn't have to lift with the wrong equipment. It's NOT a 45lb bar. Bob Matz would judge meets and was down right scary to look at. I went 760, 810, 832. It took 29 years for someone to break this raw bench record mark, set by a man that looked like a clerk at Home Depot. I don't fault the meet director. I'm sure if anything does happen like records being reversed, the people who are invloved will only use this as motivation to exceed their previous lifts. The numbers from these competitions arent perfect; for example, the IPF just started hosting a raw championship,6 so there are only three years of comparable data. Today, there are about eight larger federations and tens of smaller ones. Many powerlifters even on high level don't train more than 3-5 times a week. 2. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. One should not blame the IPF as they did not have any influence or a stake in this meet. The call to drug-test powerlifters had been gaining momentum in the sport since the mid-1970s. Results 1 to 5 of 5 Thread: Mike Bridges Training ? On October 4, 1980 I lifted at a meet in Dayton, Ohio that I promoted. Dr. Kunitz would go back and forth from one to the other to the other. (365.5 kg). "Bars dont grow on trees, what would you have done in this situation??" Note: During the BFCM sales period all sales are final.Thus, no returns will accepted. I didn't know exactly what they were but I knew there would be some kind of difference between the bars. Then the bar hit the supporting brace below the bench on the left side. i'm over 40 and over the past years since i hit 40, i've actually stepped UP my sets and find i'm getting better results, doing my best even as i get older isn't a problem.. the one thing is to keep the challenges coming and step up to them, not think "oh i'm a master, maybe i shouldn't train so hard". Benchpress: 172.5kg/380lb And at 51 I expect to take it even higher next week at the APF Georgia. Why is it so hard? Hes laid down a base of muscle that doesnt just dry up when the drugs do. Hahahahah!!! Just lift it! No excuses! Third, to the IPF, if you do take the records away, ask yourself why there are all these feds and why lifters are constantly jumping from fed to fed. That's when Bridges competed in the ADFPA (American Drug Free Powerlifting Association). I would think you would have everything ready to go at least a week out. John in a way is like the great Doug Young, but stronger. Copyright 2023 elitefts. Just before it touched, my left pec began to tear. You've probably never heard of him, but he's one of the strongest men who's ever lived, and he was a powerlifting god in the early 1980s. There I said it for you. The rule said small jump of 2.5 kg would nullify a third and that is how I lost the bid for my 10th world championship.Lou: Tell us about your most memorable world championship.Larry: That would be my first in 1971 against John Kanter. I invited several well-known lifters of that time: the great Mike Bridges, Terry Dillard, Dave Waddington, Steve Wilson, and Mark Chaillet. After getting out of the Army I started to compete in and around Ohio. I came in at 226 and Mike at 183. [/quote] The 20kg TPB used to be approved by the IPF, until they didn't pay the licensing fee, so there are undoubtedly some IPF World record which have been set using a TPB. His name was Mike Bridges. The place was cheering wildly for me to take again. Bench: 280kg/617.29lb [/quote] Best Lifts: Mike Bridges Training ? Powerlifting differentiates between world records set at tested and non-tested competitions. Rank. It was a beautiful day to drive, but once we got 50 miles away, Mac said we needed to pull over. #1 mike bridges training style 05-07-2008, 02:14 AM ive read about mike bridges and his records. On the morning before the meet we opened 2 brand new shipping tubes from an IPF approved manufacturer and they contained bars that did not have center knurling. Most guys at the USAPL meet, on the other hand, tend to not do steroids, he said. lift on, stay young, and live to enjoy it! Yeah he was right. Show Printable Version; 04-21-2012, 04:33 PM #1. Bridges' squat of 711 pounds, bench of 512 pounds, and total of 1,896 pounds are all new 198 class World Records. I came up with a wrestling singlet with legs, but somehow George Langas took the idea and sold them under the name Spanjam, which I distributed.Lou: You had a lot of lifters come stay with you such as Mike Bridges who you said was the strongest man under 200 pounds. Larry Pacifico is widely regarded as one of the greatest powerlifters of all time. Back then I was a big man with a big chest. George Hechter (Birth date: august 14, 1961). A winner of five world championships and several world record. He has broken over 100 combined Nationals and World Records in his storied career. One official got yelled at for asking about the bar while my boyfriend was checking his rack height later on thursday. Once inside and rolling, they put the piece of finger that came off in some of the ice and stuck it in my sweatshirt pocket. The one thing that keeps Lee from the world record total is a poor deadlift. He was right.After 10 yearsfrom 1970 to 1980I won my first nationals with my first top-ten bench. Just a few years before, powerlifters had been using PEDs in low doses to help their muscles recover; maybe they gained a bit of an edge, but it wasnt overtly noticeable. Second, to the meet directors "if" they(IPF) actually does wipe out the records, it will be your fault, not the IPF's. Best Lifts: Come on, guys.Mike LIFTED the f***ing weight! yea i was thinking about trying this because i want to compete eventually in single ply gear and natural. Bodybuilding and physique-training provide exposure to the powerlifting exercises but not the technique. Steroids split us into two federations. Over time, more groups broke off from both the USPF and drug-free federation, splintering the sport further. Squat: 227.5kg/501lb My hand was slipping off the bar when it hit. Privacy Policy. and our if you're meant to be in this sport, you are already more durable over the years than most gym lifters. I couldn't sleep on the flight. he was just as good as coan just in a lighter weight class. All who made the world team will still make the world team, all the totals are official. Mac's first meet was two months before this when he qualified to lift in Victorville. A prodigy of the great Larry Pacifico. My finger was bleeding and I was sweating and I had to make that flight. Trying to figure this out with the same type hip replacement as Rickey Crain. ive read about mike bridges and his records. No one expects any more of you. Try Squatting with all that weight with a smooth middle! This means they have to use IPF-approved equipment on the platform. Because 1983 was the first time the IPF drug-tested, most participants didnt risk using performance-enhancing drugs leading up to the meet, according to powerlifting historian Bob Gaynor. 1984 Honolulu, Hawaii You need to start being aware of your recovery capability. It will be a **** shame if Mike is stripped of these records. The meet director did the best he could given the circumstances and the pass given with the equipment presented for inspection. Deadlift: 372.5kg/821lb. Mike's. I'm doing good, Buddy, how have you been? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I felt good that morning and was ready to push it. In my opinion, it's a horrible situation all the way around. yes. Mike Bridges - Bridges was one of the greatest powerlifters of all time, competing in the 165 and 181 pound classes. TPB makers stood to gain by keeping the sponsorship fee up, after all, it's a BUSINESS. Something like this should never have been overlookedEVER ! Why is it so hard? liane blyn, jessica o donnellyeah that's a group to want to have after you to slap you upside the head! If they can't get the bars right, I just wonder how the Arnold is going to turn out. the lousy knurling on ivanko bars is now a serious problem and despite their paying of the fee, ipf should seriously consider kicking those bars out UNLESS they can be corrected to have more sufficient knurling. Heres how those numbers compare for each lift.7. Carl said "I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight." Benchpress: 272.1kg/599.88lb First of all, congratulations on a stellar performance that puts you IMO in the class with Inaba of Japan and other lifters who throw the gauntlet in the face of Father Time. A man who can get into slick clothes and not sacrifice his size or strength. Let's hope they get confirmed soon. To this day 37 years later, I don't know why I tried to bail out from that bar. mark. USAPL, was it "modified rules" which were in effect this time? And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. Its 2016 and this year marks the end of my first 50 years in powerlifting. Since then Mike has competed in multiple weight classes and won every competition he has entered. Squat: 446.7kg/984.4lb Let's hope they get confirmed soon. Records should not have to be sacrificed because of this. Raw Unity lifters outdo IPF competitors by about 3 to 4 percent and USAPL competitors by 17 to 18 percent. GIVE ME A BREAK. 1983Mens Senior Nationals [/quote] Gaynor said lifters at the IPF event have been more likely to get around drug tests, take PEDs leading up to the competition or have a history of PED use. I guess he got too much publicity and I wanted to crush him. They were called Spanjam. Former IPF world record holder in the bench press from the USA Mike MacDonald, 69, died Tuesday, January 9th 2018 in Eveleth, Minnesota after a long illness. Bridges trained all three of the power lifts in the same workout, three days a week. What was remarkable was the little guys finger was as tiny as you would expect, and with the help of microscopic lenses he worked a miracle. BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. This was thursday--start making calls. Second, the guys that want to do drugs and get around a test can and will. On the other end of the spectrum, USA Powerlifting (USAPL) vehemently tests lifters, and its slogan is Americas choice for drug-free strength sport.. [/quote] John is what every new young powerlifter wants to be. You know what I mean. No one should have to put up with this BS. Squat: 365kg/804.69lb Ed did one bodybuilding show as a teenager but he did not like the idea of losing weight, he wanted to become as big as possible. WAS THE PAPER IT WAS WRITTEN ON WAS THE RIGHT SIZE! It may linger and help him kick ass for years to come. In powerlifting, competitors vie to lift the heaviest weight possible for one rep. This happened to Mike Bridges. There was no money meets back then.Lou: What motivated you back then?Larry: A strong desire to be the best and win all the time at anything. The great Mike Bridges spent years training three times per week, squatting twice, deadlifting once or twice, and benching two and sometimes three times within any week. [quote=TheGymMuse] Lou: What happened when you lifted against Paul Jordan of Austraila?Larry: Paul was talking about winning the world against my friend and fellow Ohioian Vince Annelo the greatest deadlifter. We had a rivalry in the early 70s.Lou: Before we get into your powerlifting life, did you ever play other sports? Just lift it! My training put me at 835-580-800-2215. Mike's best official lift was 608 made in 1977. it matters what the rules actuially are!!! Ivanko pays them a lisence fee to approve their stuff and Texas Power Bar doesn't! Brand spankin new bar, just no center knurling. To many, the author included, a case can be made for Bridges being among the best three lifters in the history of the sport. Deadlift: 320kg/705.48lb, Lee Moran (Birth date: may 17, 1955 Died july 15, 1999). So when we landed I told Mac that I needed to find a place to sleep. So, I think I can back my ideology up pretty well. Worlds Strongest Man Bill Kazmaier has referred to him as a god in powerlifting, and world-champion powerlifter Don Reinhouldt has said, Larry will always be a legend of all time to us.. We looked at the numbers in three of the biggest competitions: Raw Unity, USAPLs Raw National Powerlifting Championship (Raw Nationals) and the IPFs Classic Powerlifting World Championships (Classic Worlds). So the facts are the facts guys stop being a bunch of cry BABIES! What can be said about a guy that can do exploits like that? Benchpress: 265kg/584lb some even fresh from factory seem unduly "slick"! 1980-11-07, USA-VA, Arlington. I just went to a baseball game and payed $18 for a lousy $10 hat. I've never really changed anything. When we talk about how PEDs improve performance in sports e.g. What did this meet director think? It is not the training intensity per workout that changes as a lifter ages; it is our training frequency (recovery period allowed) that must be adapted. Actually, I've worked at keeping everything the same since it worked before and seems to be working OK now as well. A week later Mac and I flew to California. (course they also did drug tests on mike but odds are those won't be a problem). They've been a nuisance for years, the smaller knurling center causes people to line up too close in the DL and it hardly grips your back at all, some of the even brand NEW bars have NO KNURLING. how long did u have the bar before you opened it? Absolute stupidity. Steroids have been clearly shown to increase muscle mass, and theres a direct correlation between muscle cross-sectional area and the ability to produce force, said Brad Schoenfeld, an exercise scientist at the City University of New Yorks Lehman College. Lou: I recall soon after getting home from the army in 1970 you set a national total record on the same dayas Joe Weinstein at 1675 at198. Assistance work may have consisted of a few sets of curls and little more yet in the opinion of many, me included, Mike can be crowned as one of the top few lifters of all time. We assumed that the manufacturer sent us the approved/correct bars. Mike broke his prior world record by 87 lb. In the meet Paul tore a quad and broke an ankle. I was married three times.Lou: How many world records did you break in your illustrious career?Larry: 54Lou: I know you had rivals along the way. $29.95. Rogers post about changing the frequency of training seems to fit. they can't in other parts of the world hate to say it but mike is probably screwed on this and his own fed did it to him. It's unfortunate that an error like this had to happen, but the bar we were using was just fine!! [quote=Roger Ryan]I agree Buddy. They had time to get another bar!!! Some powerlifters compete in divisions in which they can wear squat suits and bench shirts, which can put them in better form and help increase lift numbers. Ted did 705lb., a record! I would ask Larry how to push up my bench and Larry would say to train my triceps because they are 75 percent of your bench. It wasn't as meteculous years ago when the USAPL was first cutting their teeth after becoming the IPF affiliate. Well most know he won nine straight before making. this is a joke,if anybody should be repremanded it should be the meet directors,the issue of bars cant be held against mike bridges and the records that he set,if thats the case then the entire meet results would have to be erased. What is big, strong, and is shaped like a bodybuilder? Haven't watched it yet, but fwiw Bridges benched 529 raw at 181, and Fred Hatfield called him probably the best pound-for-pound powerlifter of all time. Squat: 365kg/804.69lb 4. Tell the lifters the truth and say sorry, we have a problem and cant do world records. We know Larry was one of the greatest lifters of all time, but not much is known about many. 1981Mens Senior Nationals All of Mel's lifts are done in extremely strict style. TPB makers stood to gain by keeping the sponsorship fee up, after all, it's a BUSINESS.[/quote]. BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. But just how much horsepower and torque do athletes gain? Interesting!If you actually do train at maximum intensity (many think they do) there are some changes that you will have to make as you get older (no set age). When squatting is being talked about , you can be sure that Hatfield will be named at the top. To: Chip Hultquist..would like to know more about your hip replacement; facing the same thing..30+ yrs of powerlifting. The movement standards of powerlifting competitions are going to be a significant challenge. For all weight classes, world records in bench press, squat and dead lift are, on average, 7.9, 6.0 and 6.4 percent heavier, respectively, when the competition doesnt test for PEDs. Cookie Notice 3 Star CrossFit. The bar used was the correct weight & configuration. I think it'd be more like shooting the jockey because he was wearing the wrong silks lol! George has spread his body weight from 242 pounds all the way to the high 300s. I walked around and found a check-in counter down a hallway. [quote=Anonymous] well yeah they were legal when they kept the sponsorship fee up. When we landed my finger was twice the size. I never saw such a lifting machine. In response to a question about how his training has changed as he has gotten older, powerlifting legend Mike Bridges. I am aware of the wrong bar that was shipped because I warmed up with it in the warm up room. I am aware of the wrong bar that was shipped because I warmed up with it in the warm up room. When powerlifting, you train with three exercises in mind: Bench press, squats, and deadlifts. The top of the pin stuck out about a quarter inch with a tiny loop that bent around. 123-pound squat data was a dwarf and indeed hoisted 639 pounds. [quote=Anonymous]My boyfriend was in the area on Thursday afternoon when several referees told the Technical Sec that something was wrong with the bar and they were told it was OK, it was an old Ivenko Bar. Strength is like a glass, said lifting coach Brett Jones, who is considered one of the best trainers in the country. When we discovered the mistake we did the best we could and used the bar that was available. Lou: I want to thank you for doing this interview and for the memories you have left imprinted on powerlifting and after knowing you for the last fifty years, on me. The bar we used was 45lbs plus the collars. The meet always attracted the very best lifters in the country and 1978's version was no exception. to the meet director - sorry this sounded so strong. One official got yelled at for asking about the bar while my boyfriend was checking his rack height later on thursday. 1980 IPF Men's World Powerlifting Championships. Now that I know the whole story from Harold I feel bad about the situation and my earlier comments. No excuses! I can honestly say 848 would have gone up. I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight. screw it. How is this the USAPL shooting themselves in the foot? I recall weighing less after a meet back in those days. Its also important to note that competitions use different weight-class systems. John has totaled just around 2300! i still want to be muscular also. Mike Bridges (Birth date: february 1, 1957). For example, 7 sets x 3 reps at a lower percentage (50-60%) of . Ken Lain DVD's. Tape 1 - Add 50 to 75 lbs To Your Bench Press. The power lifts are the bench press, squat and dead lift. Mike, congrats on your lifting. they cut it fine by sending it to you thast close to a meet. Arnold Schwarzenegger (3). [quote=Brian Mc][quote=Travis Werner]I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. I checked my watch and had three hours to sleep and make the flight. I doubt it, that's wishful thinking and USAPL is at fault. I was a gymnast in New York where I grew up. Thread Tools. It's a shame his feats aren't hailed about today. barbell | 21K views, 632 likes, 8 loves, 38 comments, 118 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Old School Strength: Powerlifting legend Mike Bridges deadlifts ~617 lb in the 198 lb weight class. I opened with 540 very easy, then the 242 world record of 578. Powerlifting champion and Hall of Famer Mike Bridges has officially endorsed KT Tape as his choice for pain relief and muscle support. No excuses! Bars don't grow on trees, what would you have done in this situation? [quote=Harold Gaines]I was the Meet Director for this event and I would like to put to rest this issue (if possible). Of course, it would be nave to assume that some lifters at tested events werent using PEDs. All rights reserved. The competitor in the 123-pound squat data was a dwarf and indeed hoisted 639 pounds. In fact, the folks in Missouri have always done a great job. And tell me something about your personal life.Larry: I was vice president of Holiday and New Life Spas, there were 20 of us all total. ERNIE FRANTZ A pioneer in the sport, Frantz squatted 821 at age 64. XTREME SQUATTING-book, XTREME DEADLIFTING-book, & ADVANCED POWERLIFTING TECHIQUES-DVD. Who cares what brand of bar it was loaded on?! For example, research published in the journal Sports Medicine found that steroids can increase an athletes strength by 5 to 20 percent.
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